HTTP Content Negotiation in Golang reverse proxyI had a very (seemingly) simple task. Write a reverse proxy to a document store.Dec 5, 2021Dec 5, 2021
Bash + ElasticSearch MultiSearchCorrelating logs on ElasticSearch using Kibana is usually pretty easy.Apr 18, 2021Apr 18, 2021
My Advent Of Rust, Day 4.I’ve always considered programming challenges a fun way of experimenting new languages.Dec 13, 2020Dec 13, 2020
Image Dataset for Litter DetectionToday i want to talk a bit about an important project: TACO.May 17, 2020May 17, 2020
Vim grep operatorEvery developer needs a fast way to search for a current word in multiple files.May 10, 2020May 10, 2020